The Best Podcasts For Men – Mental Health, Performance, Relationships and Sigma Grind

podcast for men

Best Podcasts For Men

Podcasts can be such a positive influence and reliable resource across the male domain. Podcasts have become an indispensable resource for personal development and knowledge-sharing in our fast-paced, tech-rich world.

For men looking to improve their mental health, enhance their performance, succeed in business, strengthen relationships, delve into psychology, and find their life's purpose, there's a wealth of podcasts designed specifically to address these needs and explore other broad ranging topic and speakers.

Throwing on a podcast can be as therapeutic for me as music, and sure, sometimes its an escape and an opportunity to listen to someone else’s story.

Here, we share 10 of the best podcasts for men in 2024, to re-ignite your waning interest in your current poddy or give you insight into an area you wouldn’t usually reach for, each offering a unique blend of content to help you grow, thrive, and find meaning in your life as a male.

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1. The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan Experience podcast

Host: Joe Rogan

Description: The Joe Rogan Experience is one of the world's most popular podcasts, and admittedly my most listened, hence being top of this list. Host Joe Rogan, a stand-up comedian and UFC commentator, invites an array of guests for long-form conversations covering science, philosophy, fitness, and much more.

Recommendation: One of the standout episodes was when Joe had Elon Musk on the podcast (Episode 1169). Their conversation about AI, the future of humanity, and Musk's personal journey was both enlightening and entertaining. It left a lasting impression on me and provided valuable insights into the mind of a visionary like Musk.

Impact: Personally, Joe's candid and extremely honest conversations have improved my awareness of so many different topics by promoting open discussions about a variety of things from behavioural sciences to UFO’s and MMA. The podcast has encouraged me to explore new ideas and perspectives, contributing to my own personal growth.

2. Modern Wisdom

modern wisdom podcast

Host: Chris Williamson

Description: Modern Wisdom, hosted by Chris Williamson, explores self-improvement, health, fitness, and personal development through discussions with a diverse array of experts.

Recommendation: The episode featuring Dr. Jordan Peterson (Episode 436) was a game-changer for me. Jordan Peterson is a clinical psychologist and I have also found immense value in his book, 12 Rules For Life. On his episode on Modern Wisdom, they discussed how to deal with feelings of loneliness from shifting your way of thinking, nuances of monogamous relationship, effective ways to conquer imposter syndrome (which I have struggled with personally), and how to “become dangerous in life”.

Impact: This podcast has significantly improved my performance, providing valuable insights on optimizing physical and mental well-being. Chris's guests share practical advice and strategies that have enhanced my overall productivity and vitality.

3. Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman Podcast

Host: Lex Fridman

Description: Lex Fridman, an AI researcher, explores the intersection of artificial intelligence, science, technology, and human behaviour through conversations with leading scientists, thinkers, and innovators.

Recommendation: The conversation with Jocko Willink (Episode 197) was a fascinating exploration of leadership and discipline from the leader of one of the most highly decorated units from the Iraq War. “The best times in my life, and the worst times in my life were in combat”. It offered valuable insights into the mindset of a operating inside a special operations unit, the value of shared suffering and how it brings people together and forms strong bonds, the mindset of a Navy SEAL and the principles of extreme ownership, which can be integrated in daily life.

Impact: The Lex Fridman Podcast has enriched my understanding of psychology and technology. By delving into the minds of extraordinary individuals, it has expanded my perspective on the potential of human intelligence and the future of AI. What I love most about Lex is his history, born and raised in the Soviet Union, with experiences of the tragedies and triumphs of war, but a Stoic personality with extreme intelligence in so many fields. Lex encourages a deep thinking in me and a consideration of broad ranging topics.

4. The Daily Stoic

The Daily Stoic Podcast

Host: Ryan Holiday

Description: The Daily Stoic is a daily podcast featuring readings from Stoic philosophers like Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, offering timeless wisdom for modern living.

Recommendation: The episode titled " Discipline Now…Freedom Later | Pain Is Self-Inflicted Harm" (Episode 1414) is a profound exploration of Stoic principles of discipline. It has helped me reframe challenges and maintain mental resilience during difficult times.

Impact: After reading his book, The Daily Stoic, which has daily This podcast has helped me gain a deeper understanding of Stoic philosophy, leading to improved mental resilience and inner peace. Daily Stoic teachings have been instrumental in maintaining my mental health, especially in challenging times.

5. The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness podcast

Host: Brett McKay

Description: The Art of Manliness is a podcast that explores various aspects of manhood, covering topics like personal development, masculinity, relationships, and life skills.

Recommendation: The episode on "The Secrets of Mental Toughness" (Episode #621) was particularly enlightening. It provided valuable insights into building resilience and mental strength.

Impact: Lately it seems there’s been a push from the woke against the masculine man. The words toxic masculinity get thrown around loosely. In this time it feels like being a man has negative connotations, The Art of Manliness is a great podcast for men to regain their manliness, with topics ranging from war, rucking, manscaping, relationships, fighting/combat and more.

6. The Huberman Lab

Huberman Lab Podcast

Host: Dr. Andrew Huberman

Description: The Huberman Lab delves into the science of neuroscience, psychology, and human performance, featuring the latest research and practical applications.

Recommendation: The episode on "The Science of How to Optimise Testosterone and Estrogen" (Episode 15) offered an in depth approach to both male and female hormones and strong guidance on habit formation, lifestyle, diet and training protocols, supplements that will boost testosterone, drive, libido and motivation.

Impact: Actionable tools from morning routines to natural supplements to significantly hack t levels. This had a huge follow on effect to my motivation, after experience an extended period of low mood and low motivation.

7. The Tim Ferriss Show

The Tim Ferriss Show

Host: Tim Ferriss

Description: The Tim Ferriss Show features interviews with world-class performers, entrepreneurs, and experts to extract their tactics, routines, and habits for success.

Recommendation: Tim's conversation with Naval Ravikant (Episode 473) was a profound exploration of wealth, happiness, and the principles of success. It provided deep insights into personal growth and achievement.

Impact: The Tim Ferriss show was literally the start of my own biohacking journey. Tim Ferriss's show has been a game-changer for my understanding of business and personal development, and biohacking tools and tricks. It has provided insights, strategies, and resources that have profoundly influenced my entrepreneurial journey.

8. How I Built This

How I Built This Podcast

Host: Guy Raz

Description: How I Built This features interviews with entrepreneurs and innovators, sharing the stories behind their successful businesses and ventures.

Recommendation: The episode featuring the founders of Airbnb, Joe Gebbia, (Episode 53) was a fascinating journey into the creation and growth of a global tech giant. It offered valuable lessons in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Impact: Listening to the stories of remarkable business founders on How I Built This has inspired and informed my own entrepreneurial efforts. It has provided valuable insights into the world of business and the journey to success.

9. The Drive

The Drive Peter Attia

Host: Dr. Peter Attia

Description: The Drive is a podcast hosted by Dr. Peter Attia, focusing on health, fitness, and longevity, with discussions featuring leading experts in the field.

Recommendation: The episode on Sleep (Episode 47) featuring Dr. Matthew Walker was eye-opening, shedding light on the importance of sleep and its impact on our health and performance. This is 3 part podcast that gets super deep into sleep and some of the gold nuggets I got from this series was actionable ways to improve “sleep hygiene” and tools to create a better sleep routine.

Impact: The Drive is for the man looking for the long game. This is the ultimate longevity podcast. This podcast has been instrumental in improving my ideas around gut health, hormones, sleep and all things longevity. Dr. Attia's discussions with experts have shown priceless knowledge to make informed decisions about overall wellbeing including getting down and dirty with specific supplements and health practices around male health.

10. Order of Man

Order of Man Podcast

Host: Ryan Michler

Description: Order of Man is dedicated to helping men become better leaders, fathers, husbands, and overall better individuals, offering insights on personal development, relationships, and leadership.

Recommendation: The episode on "Developing Your Killer Instinct" (Episode #240) was a thought-provoking exploration of what it means to have a relentless drive to achieve your goals. It has helped me set clear objectives and stay committed to them.

Impact: This podcast has played a crucial role in my personal development and pursuit of purpose. It has helped me refine my leadership skills, strengthen my relationships, and define my sense of purpose.

Conclusion on Podcasts For Men

I have learnt so many valuable nuggets of information and am constantly shaping and reshaping my thinking thanks to good podcasts for men like those mentioned in this article.

There are literally thousands of podcasts out there now, so it can be difficult to find the good ones. I try to keep an open mind and occasionally have a listen to a topic that you wouldn’t normally gravitate towards.

In the digital age, access to knowledge and wisdom is abundant, and these ten podcasts are among the best resources to help men grow and thrive. From mental health and performance to business success, relationships, psychology, and purpose, these shows cover a wide array of topics and offer unique perspectives. My personal journey with these podcasts has been transformative, and I believe they can do the same for you. So, tune in, learn, and embark on a journey of self-improvement and personal growth. Your best self is just a podcast episode away.

Jayce Love

Jayce has spent the last decade in the military as an elite Royal Australian Navy Clearance Diver and has an ever growing passion for biohacking and recovery for peak performance. Jayce has accreditations in fitness and nutrition, cold water immersion, and regularly adopts human Guinea pig status to test out the latest tools, techniques, practices, gear and gadgets in the name of optimal fitness, recovery and wellness.


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