Innerlight Sauna’s Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna: Is It Worth The Price?

Recently, I've noticed a growing fascination with saunas, especially among my fellow Australians and American friends.

It seems like everyone's talking about the benefits and the relaxation they offer. What's really caught everyone's attention, though, are the infrared saunas, a modern take that's all the rage.

Personally, the Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas by Innerlight has been an eye-opener. These aren't your ordinary saunas.

It offers a range of health perks that traditional saunas can't match. My recent experience with them made me rethink the concept of saunas. It's clear why they're becoming so popular.

Key Takeaways

  1. Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas offer targeted health benefits: Unlike traditional saunas, these use near, mid, and far infrared light to directly heat the body, supporting detoxification, pain relief, improved circulation, and skin health.

  2. Consider the investment and space: While initially costly, the long-term health benefits and potential savings on healthcare could justify the expense. Additionally, ensure you have adequate space in your home for installation.

  3. Energy efficiency and customization: These energy-efficient saunas feature customizable settings, allowing you to tailor your sessions to your specific health and wellness needs.

  4. Low EMF levels for better safety: Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas are built with low EMF emissions in mind, addressing health concerns associated with electromagnetic fields and making them a safer option for regular use.

  5. A valuable addition to wellness routines: Given their wide range of health benefits, Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas can improve your overall health and well-being strategy, making them a worthwhile consideration for anyone looking to invest in their long-term health.

What are Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas?

Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas incorporate a blend of Near, Mid, and Far infrared wavelengths, targeting different aspects of wellness.

Here are their differences:

  1. Near-infrared aids in skin rejuvenation and healing.

  2. Mid-infrared boosts circulation and relaxes muscles.

  3. Far infrared deeply penetrates tissues, supporting weight loss and detoxification.

This approach offers a broad range of health benefits, from improved skin health to deeper detoxification, making these saunas a versatile tool for promoting overall well-being. Including all three wavelengths ensures a holistic health experience, addressing various needs in a single session.

Read more: How do Infrared Saunas Work?

My Thoughts About InnerLight’s Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas

After getting a Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna for my home, I've taken a good look at what it offers and how it works.

Here's what I've noticed about its features and how they fit into a healthy lifestyle.

The Way It Heats

One thing that stands out is how the sauna heats up. Unlike old-school saunas that make the air hot, this one uses light infrared light to warm your body directly. This seems to do a better job of helping muscles relax and helping the body get rid of toxins.

And as mentioned, the sauna can give off different types of light (near, mid, and far). You can change the settings depending on what you want to get out of your sauna time.

Being Able to Change Settings

Having control over the sauna settings is really handy. You can change how intense the light is and how long you want to stay in it. This is great because some days you might want a light session to chill out, and other days, you might want a more intense session to help your muscles recover from a workout. This makes the sauna a flexible tool for health and relaxation.

You might want to read this: How long and hot should saunas be?

Low EMF Levels

Another important thing I noticed is that the sauna doesn't give off a lot of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). There's a lot of talk these days about how being around too many EMFs might not be good for you. So, it's nice to know that using this sauna won't add much to the EMFs you're already exposed to from other gadgets around the house.

Space and Design

The design of the sauna itself is sleek and doesn't take up too much space, making it a good fit for my home. It's built in a way that feels both modern and functional, blending in with the rest of my living space without sticking out. The interior is spacious enough to move around comfortably, which enhances the experience.

Energy Efficiency

Another observation is its energy efficiency. Despite its powerful heating capability, the sauna doesn't seem to spike my electricity bills as much as I feared. This efficiency is likely due to the targeted nature of infrared heating, which directly warms the body without needing to heat a large volume of air inside the sauna.

User-Friendly Interface

I like how the panel is straightforward and user-friendly. Adjusting settings like temperature and session duration is intuitive, making it easy for anyone to start their sauna session without fuss. This simplicity in operation ensures that the sauna is accessible to all users, regardless of their tech-savviness.

You might want to read: Traditional vs Infrared vs Steam Saunas: What Are The Differences?

Comes With Variations

I'm drawn to Innerlight's Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas for their impressive range in size. They offer everything from compact units perfect for individual use to larger ones that comfortably accommodate up to four people.

Opting for a solo session allows for peaceful solitude, while the more spacious models invite family or friends to join in.

Left to Right: 1, 2, 3, and 4-person variations of Innerlight Full Spectrum Sauna

What I Don’t Like About The Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of all the health benefits they offer. However, it's just as important to pause and consider some practical aspects that might affect our decision to bring one into our homes.

Two significant factors come to mind: the price and the space requirements.

The Price Tag

Let's talk about the cost first.

Looking at the price tag of a Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna can be a bit of a shock. These aren't just any ordinary saunas. InnerLight ensures they're equipped with advanced technology for a full spectrum of infrared light.

This technology doesn't come cheap.

The investment might make us think twice, especially if we work within a tight budget. Sure, the benefits are numerous (including potential savings on healthcare in the long run), but the upfront cost is something you need to weigh carefully. First, we need to balance the desire for wellness with our financial realities.

But if you already have the cash available, then by all means, it’s an excellent investment for your health.

Space in Our Homes

Then there's the question of space.

Whether you live in a spacious house or a cozy apartment like I do, finding the right spot for a Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna requires some planning. These saunas need a dedicated area to be installed and used comfortably. For me, figuring out where to place it without disrupting the flow of my living space was a challenge. You'll need to consider the footprint of the sauna and the clearance around it for safety and ease of use.

This might mean rearranging furniture or repurposing a room, which is no small decision.

However, if you’re someone currently living alone, then the 1-person capacity would be perfect.

Is The Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna Worth It?

If you ask me, I'd say yes.

Let's break it down.

Looking at the price alone, these saunas might seem expensive. It's true—they're not cheap. But think of it as buying something valuable for your future self. The health benefits of an infrared sauna—like feeling less pain, getting rid of body toxins, and feeling more relaxed—are big pluses. Over time, feeling better and maybe even spending less on doctors could make this sauna seem like a smart choice.

Before you decide, though, remember you need enough space for it. These saunas aren't really that huge, but you'll want to make sure you have a good spot for one in your home.

In short, yes, it's an investment. The cost and needing space in your home are important to think about. But for the health perks you get, many would say it's worth it. Your future self might thank you for making such a healthy choice.

Rather than solely taking my word for it, you can also see these recent testimonials I found on their site:

I use it twice a week at the moment. I have noticed relief from my rheumatoid arthritis.
— Shawn Dodds
Great sauna - best investment ever! It is worth every penny. We use it 4 times a week.
— Kat Shaw

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It's a type of sauna that uses light to create heat. Unlike regular saunas, it heats your body directly with a full range of infrared light (near, mid, and far), offering various health benefits.

  • Traditional saunas heat the air to warm your body, while Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas use infrared light to directly warm you, allowing for deeper tissue penetration and a more comfortable temperature.

  • Benefits include detoxification, pain relief, improved circulation, skin health, stress reduction, and potentially aiding in weight loss.

  • Yes, they can be more expensive than traditional saunas due to their advanced technology and health benefits.

  • You'll need a dedicated space in your home, but there are various sizes available to fit different spaces.

  • People with certain health conditions (like cardiovascular issues or sensitivity to heat) should consult a doctor before using one. Pregnant women should also avoid sauna use.

  • They are generally more energy-efficient than traditional saunas because they directly heat the body instead of warming the air.

  • While not a replacement for diet and exercise, the sauna can complement weight loss efforts by increasing calorie burn through elevated heart rate during sessions.

  • Most sessions last between 20 to 40 minutes, depending on personal preference and tolerance.

  • Yes, many people safely use their sauna daily, but it's important to listen to your body and adjust usage as needed.

Final Thoughts on Innerlight’s Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas

Let's try to consider them from both our perspectives. These saunas are quite innovative in-home wellness, using infrared to heat our bodies directly. This approach brings us many benefits, like helping detoxify our bodies, easing our aches and pains, improving our circulation, and even making our skin look better.

Now, if we're talking about the cost, it's a bit steep at first glance. And, of course, we need to have the right space in our homes to fit one. But, when you think about the long-term (like how much we might save on healthcare in the future or the sheer improvement in our daily well-being), investing in one of these saunas starts to sound smart.

They're about doing so efficiently and in a way that lets us have exactly what we need: recovery, relaxation, or health maintenance. It's this versatility that makes them stand out as a valuable addition to our health routines.

So, when you and I weigh the pros and cons, the health benefits and the convenience of having such a powerful wellness tool right at home might tip the scales. It's about looking at our health as an investment, not just an expense. As we continue to look for ways to improve our health and quality of life, Full Spectrum Infrared Saunas offer us a promising option, blending traditional sauna benefits with modern technology to meet our wellness goals.

Read more about saunas here:

Denzel Tron Suelto

Denzel is a blog writer, optimist, and health enthusiast. Due to his tight schedule, he’s been obsessed with on-the-go supplements, routines, and hacks.

And he might just be the perfect author for product reviews (because he doesn’t beat around the bush).

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